I could be wrong but you dont need to adjust every commodity for every base in every system just a select few on each base, and keep the others constant.
Example Crete:
We all know that Cretes main export is Artifacts so no one is going to sell them at Crete so you have its base price which is not adjusted. Now most know that food is Cretes main need or import. Now a base line would need to be set to determine if the supply was being met. If we assume that the base need for food is 10,000 and that will decay at 10%/hr. So after an hour Crete will have a greater demand for food so now the price will be adjusted to reflect a shortage of food. The price could be adjusted every hour (or minute, second, millisecond, whatever time increment was best) based on the demand. Now when food was brought it would factor into the base line, so if someone brought 5,000 food when the base was at 10,000 the base would then be adjusted to 15,000 and the price for the next hour would reflect that for the time Crete has more than enough food.
Now I dont know if it is possible for one the prices to be adjusted at all and if so how difficult it would be to adjust them, and if it is possible to see what commodities are being sold and each base and to keep record of it. So since there are (from my count on the wiki) 448 bases each one might have three or four commodities that have price variation still that is 1,344 1,792 variables that have to be adjusted stored. Which could be too many, I dont really know. Really someone from the dev team would be the only person that could say if something like this was feasible.