Oh yeah, don't get me wrong about this, I LOVE playing my Junker. Some of you have probably heard him ranting at the police and telling the Rheinlanders to stop sneezing when they speak in German when chasing him. All the while being chased down when carrying contraband. (SS.Joyride). That part is fun for me. I do enjoy smuggling. Just when I get to the end destination is what kills it all for me.
15 minutes of work for 10 million credits. It makes me cry a bit inside.
I don't think anyone is saying they want a 100-200 million per hour trading run, we just want something to spruce it up. The POS system looks good, but that doesn't make the trading ITSELF more fun. Maybe if pirates had a certain ID, like Molly's for example, if they blow up a miner stealing their ore they get a certain bonus to what drops, or they get more ore.
Same goes with traders, if an Ageira transport is moving trade lane parts (just an example) and a Hacker comes upon them and demands them, the trader refuses and the Hacker pops the transport, they get a bonus to the amount that drops from the destroyed ship.