Quote:Outcasts do not have shipline which is their sign of nationality. BW ships aren't made by outcasts, neither they are tied to it with strong bonds. What your talking here, fits to corsairs, who never use anything else except their own tech and ships, but I doubt this can fit to outcasts. They will try to get their hands on the best things instead of chasing some traditional ways which would bring them to stagnation. Which will never be allowed to happen, since 101st is being commanded by very inteligent scientist (abit amoral, but who cares)
Borderworlds shipline was designed by Outcasts, actually.
Later, it was sold to Red Hessians and Lane Hackers mostly.
Bundschuh bought 'usage' of this shipline through Red Hessians, obviliously.
Quote:On a related note, what's the big problem with undeclared raids? Back in my day *gets off rocking chair* we never declared raids. We invaded, RPed for a few minutes, then blew the crap out of each other. Back then things were not so convoluted. We didn't have to tell our enemy we were coming. That is RP. That is how wars are won - with surprise.
That's allright, but you didn't go fail RP, like that guy did. He told he was reckoning - the hell he was fighting then? He had to run. Run faster then light. So, he had to remain in Malvada cloud and tell us he came for few heads of Corsairs and to train up a bit. Why not to do that? Why to create something unlogical?