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' Wrote:Have your <strike>cake</strike> food rations and trade it too?
50 million credits per hour is an interesting number. Assuming a transport with 5000 cargo, that comes to 278 cents per second of profit (((50,000,000/5000)/60)/60). What's interesting to me about it is that it is higher than the best available rate of return for ANY trade loop in the 4.84 economy. So I guess you'd hate the 4.84 economy too. I certainly hated it. That figure is also substantially higher than the profit figures Igiss gave me as a benchmark when I started redesigning the economy. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: reducing equipment and ship prices is the simplest, most efficient, and most practical way to change the mod's overall economic situation.
Out of several dozen commodities, in 4.84 there were only about 18 that had rates of return higher than 180 c/sec, 11 of those at or higher than 200 c/sec. The worst part about them was that they usually created only weird routes to somewhere that made no sense, and the drop off in rates of return other than the best trip was huge. In 4.85, there are over 40 commodities higher than 180 c/sec, and 12 at or higher than 200 c/sec. That's 29 additional commodities making over 180 c/sec from 4.84 to 4.85, and they offer similar rates of return for export to all the other Houses in most cases, and are easily combined with other commodities into loops. If you have trouble figuring that out, then I suspect that you are ignoring mining machinery and robotic components. Those are both transitional commodities to get you from a consumption location typically in the House's capital system to a nearby production location. In 4.86, there will be 2 more on top of that (one new & I revised basic alloy for this purpose), making transition from one commodity and trade loop to another even easier. In fact, nearly every trade route in 4.86 will either have an export available when you sell what you brought with you, or offer one of the 4 transitional commodities to take somewhere within the House to find an export. That's nearly the case now, but is somewhat limited by trying to make due with fewer commodities in the mod than we'll have in 4.86.
The, and I don't know what else to call it, utterly stupid accusation that there aren't enough prices for commodities is nearly beyond belief. The 4.84 commodity file had 3,459 total lines of code. The 4.85 commodity file has 8,338 total lines of code. That's an additional 4,879 prices between 4.84 and 4.85. The 4.86 commodity file (as of this minute, at 99.9% completion) has 13,339 lines of code, or 5,001 additional prices between 4.85 and 4.86, which is 9,880 additional prices between 4.84 and 4.86, not accounting for the 1 line of code for each base itself. That's a 400% increase. Yes, many of those are due to additional bases being added, but between 4.84 and 4.85, the vast majority of added lines of code were due to additional prices being added to existing bases for more commodities. To add a profit margin for every commodity transported to every base in the mod in 4.86, there would be 59,400 prices needed, which is 4 1/2 times as many as already exist. Mankind has not yet invented a dignified response to the suggestion in this thread to "finish the job", so I won't attempt to offer one. I'll just offer that it required about 800 hours over nearly 2 years to revise the existing code and add those 9,880 additional lines, so you do the math to get to 59,400.
Regardless, in 4.86 there will be 96 commodities at or higher than 180 c/sec, 78 at or higher than 200 c/sec, and 16 at or higher than 220 c/sec, with 27 new commodities total.
In fact, just as a sneak peak, there will be half a dozen new "people" commodities, just so I could enjoy the exquisite pleasure of creating several dozen liner routes that are nerfed so hard by increasing their rates of return like they were increased from 4.84 to 4.85 that they drive liner players out of playing the mod. I mean, if Dusty can get his rocks off by nerfing mining, then I deserve to have a little fun too.
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