' Wrote:I was actually being serious, I am impressed. I mean, I have tried mining a few times, with my ship set up for maximum yield and even then I lose patience with it. Fair enough, though even with music and friends my boredom builds.
Having said that, let me address the slice, I do not own a Juggernaut. I could yell at specific people, but then Zoner neutrality would be moot, since I am biased. Nonsense? Look around at Sirius and tell me which RP is serious business in the long run. Eh.
Even with 25%- less profit 60 million for that work is ridiculous. I am unsure on mining yield on the Mafic however.
To give a brief rundown on the D: group.
We had 6 members.
We all began with nothing. We took no money in. No money left.
At the end of about 2 weeks we had 4 fully kitted behemoths. 6 Ragnars and a number of maffics/dacites.
The mining yields were not adjusted in any way prior to, during or following the experiment.
All of our mining took place in Omega 11. A little side money was made from piracy.
So we ended up with the four transports, 6 freighters and some 10 fighters/SHFs, about 16 armor 8s and 600 million in the bank. We were thinking of picking up a barge.
The money was pretty damn good once we got rolling. I wrote a long post on the subject somewhere. The money didn't flow as smooth as trading would have due to the need to start/stop our efforts in order to ensure the movement and delivery of the cargo.
If I felt like making a real group of it and actively recruited we could have massively scaled up the operation and made some silly good money.
One of the distinguishing points to the mining mod is that you can make transport money in a fighter, so long as you have a transport on hand to move your goods. It provides an artificial means by which to enable escorts to create wealth despite lack of cargo space. Which is something we took advantage of in largely ignoring actual mining ships (Except for one, now that I recall).
All of the mining ships, in this version, have the same mining bonus.