' Wrote:Okie dokie, let's just take the capships from the mod. All of them. Well, the npcs could still use them, but players would have to settle for fighters, freighters and transports. No more bombers either, since there's no player capships to counter. Two-three fighters can take on a transport, so, there ya go. Everyone with nerves of steel, optimum loadouts and highly-developed twitch reflexes will have boatloads of of unabashed pvp-fun. Until the 50 players remaining find something else to get all worked up about.
*hyberbole mode off*
No offense Carlos, but you don't speak for the whole server. Not everyone is into fighters as much as others. To each his own. Capships, BSes in particular are so weighted down with rules, regs, inherent weaknesses and that bizarre capship stigma, that using one demands a lot from its pilot.
Other community members have made good points about the current game economy. There are other perspectives besides the "saving up for a BS" argument: establishing/maintaining a faction, buying munitions, buying armor, the problem of gametime constraints, etc.
Xoria's economy system is good, at least good enough. The idea of leveling the playing field for different traders is its hallmark. That said, I still think all the "stuff" in this mod could be 30-50% cheaper. Thus everyone can have "fun", without sacrificing an undue amount of RL in the process.
Your parody of anti-cap bias is ridiculous. Wanting capital ships earned is not equivalent to wanting them gone.
The crux of my argument is that trading and mining should be treated as worthwhile persuits for their own right, and NOT, as so many people treat them, as a means to getting credits for other persuits.
My clan, for example, has billions of credits stored, a home system, battleship, and over 50 historical members, each with at least 2 fully equipped personal ships. The vast majority of this was achieved by fun trading, smuggling and piracy. We worked together, had events, ran convoys, and in the process not only made a fortune, but had hundreds of hours of worthwhile and entertaining encounters with other players.
We pirated, not because we needed money, but because we were Corsairs who liked to pirate.
We smuggled, not because we needed money, but because we were Corsairs who liked to smuggle. etc.
My point is that if people recognised the RP fun that could be had with these activities, rather than using them as a means to get cash for other things, they'd quickly find themselves not "slaving away" but enjoying the process, and reaching their goals allot faster and more easily.