Oui? Then you are right here. We do not care who you are, what you did or what you think. You are here to serve Gallia in the most honourful way for people like you, homme. It doesn't matter if you are some High-ranking Navy officer, or a typical mugger from New Paris. [color=#33FF33]You will be treated equally and ONLY your abilities count. But that does not mean everyone is accepted here, non non. Here, you will learn to follow the rules of discipline. This is not your typical police station, this is the Legion of the Damned!
If you think you are ready, read this first. This will be your bible, your life. Treat it like your own eyeballs and never, ever lose it.....or you will lose your life! [color=#FF0000]*Loading Document.......done, press to read "HERE" *
Please add yourselves to the database now....
Fill in this form, s'il vous plait:
Quote:Personality Part
Height (in meters):
Eye Colour:
Brief Life-story:
Ability Part
Self-estimation: Rate from 1-10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best....we will test you anyway!
You will be rated by a point-system. To pass the minimum requirements, you have to be over level 5.
The higher your points, the higher your chances in the Legion
5-7: average
[color=#33FF33]7.1-9: over-average higher than 9.1: elite
Now you will be tested on your mental/biological status. Please, restrain from sleeping for one day before this test.
The last phase will be the Legionnaire Initiation Ritual. We will not tell any details, but not everyone has survived it.....they were worthless, anyway.
Name: Lasalle, Jean
Gender: M (35)
Height: 1.90m
Eyes: Green
Rank: Capitaine
Attributes: Agressive, Stealthy
Comments: Born in poor environment. Former Navy recruit, had a lot of problems following orders. Was fired from the Navy. Detected on Montpellier.
Current Ship(s): Lynx VHF, Perilous GB
Criminality rate: [color=#33FF33]0%
Rating: 7.25
Dossier #003
Name: Gromiko, Hugues
Gender: M (28)
Height: 1.88m
Eyes: Gray
Rank: Commandant
Attributes: Physically Strong, Brave
Comments: Born in normal environment. Former security officer, did versatile jobs. Father's ship exploded during escort mission, H. suffered psychical trauma. Contacted through relatives.
Current Ship(s): Lynx VHF, Mistral GB , Cougar Bomber, Aurochs Freighter
Criminality rate: [color=#FFFF00]5%
Rating: 7.3
Dossier #004
Name: D'Envers, Julie [Status: Disappeared without a trace]
Gender: F (24)
Height: 1.65m
Eyes: Brown
Rank: Colonel
Attributes: Physically Attractive, Adventurous
Comments: Born in rich/very good environment. Former Navy officer, was bored by the monotonous tasks. Contacted through relatives.
Current Ship(s): Lynx VHF, Triomphante Cruiser
Criminality rate: 0%
Rating: 7.9
Dossier #005
Name: Neville, Daniele
Gender: M (26)
Height: 1.82m
Eyes: Blue
Rank: Capitaine
Attributes: Agile, Loyal
Comments: Born in normal environment. Former Navy bomber pilot, felt not under enough pressure. D. contacted the Legion himself and has proven worthy.
Current Ship(s): Cougar Bomber, Lynx VHF
Criminality rate: 0%
Rating: 7.7
Dossier #006
Name: Lemorte, Drakus
Gender: M (N/A)
Height: 1.75m
Eyes: Dark Blue
Rank: Captain
Attributes: Cold-Blooded, Calm
Comments: Unknown birthplace. Unknown history, probably suffers from amnesia. Could be psychically unstable, but no problems detected till now.
Current Ship(s): Perilous GB
Criminality rate: 30%
Rating: 6.66
Dossier #007
Name: Fair, Zack [Dead - Killed in Languedoc]
Gender: M (22)
Height: 1.80m
Eyes: Green
Rank: Lieutenant
Attributes: Overconfident, Fast Thinker
Comments: Born in good environment. Former freelancer, had no luck making a career. Detected near Nevers.
Current Ship(s): Lynx VHF
Criminality rate: 5%
Rating: 6.8
Dossier #008
Name: Corentin, Victoria Alison
Gender: F (23)
Height: 1.69m
Eyes: Brown
Rank: Colonel
Attributes: Seductive, Highly Intelligent
Comments: Born in over-wealthy environment. Descendant of the Corentin family, daughter of a declined noble. Contacted the Lord Mareshal herself and has proven worthy of joining.
Current Ship(s): La Glorie Cruiser, Perilous GB, Cougar Bomber, Lynx VHF
Criminality rate: %%ERROR%%
Rating: 9.6
Dossier #009
Name: Beson, Pierre
Gender: M (26)
Height: 1.80m
Eyes: %%ERROR%%
Rank: Lieutenant
Attributes: Swift, Overhuman Sight
Comments: Born on New Paris. Former Royal Assassin, his father died in an ambush by the Council. Eye operation/modification. Wants revenge. Detected around Burgundy.
Current Ships(s): Lynx VHF, Cougar Bomber
Criminality rate: 0%
Dossier #010
Name: Fauchard, Albert
Gender: M (35)
Height: 1.95m
Eyes: Blue
Rank: Aspirant
Attributes: Mercyless, Risky
Comments: Born on Nevers. Former smuggler and criminal. Was caught and imprisoned on the Grande Guillotine. After evaluation, A. has been declared ready to be released.
Current Ships(s): Lynx VHF
Criminality rate: 5%
Rating: 7.9
Dossier #011
Name: Stern, Gabriel
Gender: M (20)
Height: 2.00m
Eyes: Blue
Rank: Aspirant
Attributes: Agressive, Enduring
Comments: Born on Marne, in tense environment. Has a big hatred towards the Council, stole a council ship. After 1 month, he was freed by the Legion.
Current Ships(s): Lynx VHF
Criminality rate: 10%
Rating: 7
Dossier #012
Name: Germain, Damien
Gender: M (23)
Height: 1.87
Eyes: Blue
Rank: Aspirant
Attributes: Intelligent, Self-Righteuos
Comments: Born somewhere in the Artois System, in relatively poor conditions. Entire life detroyed after a Maquis bomb-attack. Former Navy officer, has chosen the path of the Legionnaire.
Current Ships(s): Lynx VHF
Criminality rate: 0%
Rating: 8.4
Dossier #013
Name: Experience "Vulpe"
Gender: M (0)
Height: 1.88
Eyes: Yellow
Rank: Sous-Lieutenant
Attributes: N/A
Comments: Clone of former prisoner "Bret". No further data availbale.
Current Ships(s): Lynx VHF
Criminality rate: N/A
Rating: N/A
Dossier #014
Name: Bourbon, Henry
Gender: M (19)
Height: 1.89
Eyes: Red
Rank: Aspirant
Attributes: Thief, Agile
Comments: Former slave of some Brigands. Escaped from Brigands, after his famliy was killed. Great harted for any pirates. Contacted the Legion by himself.
Current Ship(s): Caracal LF
Criminality rate: 5%
Rating: 8