Because of THIS document, we'll blast everything that as much as tries to lay a finger on an independent miner in Omega 7. How'd this evolve into such a state of affairs? It's a long story.
THIS was the initial reason for the redeployment of a carrier unit. A certain corporation (now who could that possibly be...) Started hiring mercenaries to harass the local IMS/indies. We stride in and not as much provide physical protection as deterrence. A few times around a random mercenary had some second thoughts when he saw a few nyxes and that was the whole goal. Needless to say Rheinland din't exactly appreciate the presence of a carrier unit right at their doorstep so... In order to stay and keep the IMG protcted from the greed of a very mysterious greedy entity - we had to ALSO give a little something to ze Haus von Whineland - namely that our unit plays a big scarecrow in favor of [u[all[/u] lawful locals and against all local unlawfuls that would get the funky idea of acting against the former.
Kinda screwed into something potentially inconvenient, but that's politics.