Dublin, Superintendant. Silsbury stated pointing a finger at the projected map. The enhanced area was in a sector far behind the New London Jumpgate.
We have recently become aware of another ore field that has escaped notice until this point; Miners are beginning to use it so I suggest we incorporate it into our SRD patrols.
The Superintendant nodded.
The Mollys are our allies now, The Commander continued this will allow us to pull some of our forces back; they wont want to try anything stupid and end up on the wrong side of us again.
The projection zoomed out and mapped some patrol paths spreading around the system.
And naturally you were thinking of doing something with these 'freed up forces'? Calvert spoke, not releasing his focus from the map.
Indeed Sir. With another flick of a finger the PDA switched to a map of the Omega 3 system.
Ah. The Superintendant stated.
Lucy looked up and into his eyes, I want to start patrolling Omega 3 heavily to prevent the Corsairs spreading.
Ah. The response came again.
Silsbury repositioned herself slightly, The Mollys can look after the Omega 49 Jumphole and we can stop the Corsairs at their other point of entry.
There was a sharp intake of breath from the other side of the table, Omega 3 is not an easy system to look after... Were stretched for personnel as it is. The greying Calvert said slowly.
Lucy grabbed her PDA and showed her superior the list of new recruits, Look here Sir, it appears our enlistment campaign is working, our numbers are steadily increasing.
She pocketed the device and took a more persuasive tone, You know me Superintendant, I wouldnt suggest it if the benefits didnt outweigh the negatives.