[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF] Heinrich Schmid Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]Buro Der Marineintelligenz. Subject:Feld Report
[color=#CCFFFF]Meine Herren,
I want to inform you about several occurences. After having equipped my new bought Rheinland Gunboat, I headed to Bering, where I met a Gallic gunboat. It saw me and it initially opened fire. It was neutralized fast due not using any nanos.
Then, further to Texas, I encountered a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser "LNS-Macross". It immediately opened fire on me and forced me together with another LABC, "LNS-Sacramento", to take ze fastest way to Hudson. I was able to restock on ze Coldbay Depot.
After having done that, I entered Texas again. I was heading to New York to prevent a LSF transport, called "=LSF=TS.Crystal.Bay", from delivering his goods where ever it wanted to bring them. So I took ze jumphole to New York and headed through the Badlands.
On ze way to the transport I was stopped by those capital ships, that I already mentioned. Soon their number became bigger. I was forced to move back into the Badlands.
That's exactly where they lost me and my signal due to ze reduced sensor efficiency and ze navigational hazard for larger ships. I was able to jump to Pennsylvania where I went to Bethlehem station to restock. There I met a policeman who directly fired a salve of Sunslayer torpedos on my ship. He was soon vaporized.
As you can see, my ship has aten many missiles on ze way and ze Bethlehem station wasn't able to repair my ship completely. I had to go on from now on without ze ability of saving visual data.
I searched for the California jumphole like it's described in our databases and went there. I passed Planet California Minor, where a Navy gunboat, called "LNS-Patuxent", started pursuing me. I wasn't able to get it off my back, so I decided to jump to Kansas and then to Humboldt, where I took ze jumphole to Puerto Rico. As I arrived there, ze LNS-Sacramento and ze LNS-Macross were waiting for me. Luckily I was able to activate cruise engines and to reach the Texas jumphole. The scum was following me to ze tradelane system in Texas and one of them took ze Texas-Hudson jumphole. The two bigger capital ships lost me and so I was able to jump to Hudson. I expected no danger of ze Liberty Navy anymore from that point of time.
I have to admit that I forgot about ze gunboat which took ze jumphole to Hudson. It disabled directly in time ze tradelane to Planet Atka and I wasn't able to move. Then it didn't take too long and ze two LABCs were arriving, too. I was trying to thrust away, but ze captain of ze LNS-Patuxent told me to stop. I did so, because I thought he would stop shooting then. I was wrong and he just used this to make sure that I am in fire-range of ze LABCs. They had hit me really hard now on. Though, with few nanobots and nearly no shield batteries I was able to thrust to the Coldbay Depot and ask for docking permission, because of a case of emergency. Fortunately they granted ze U-95 docking-access. I was able to contact ze 51st division to help me out, sothat I can undock again. A few minutes later, they arrived with heavy fire and they pushed ze invaders back to Texas. Meanwhile I was flying to Alster Shipyard sothat ze engineers can fix ze malfunction of ze visual data recorder.
What I've learned again so far is that you can't trust ze Navy under any circumstances. They are snakes in ze grass.
This is ze end of ze field report. If there are any questions on these occurencies, contact me.