"While I share no love of Liberty, remember that Bethlehem is not our station. It belongs to the Zoners who live on it, operate it, and care for it. Those same Zoners have come to us to ask for help and advice. We aren't selling Erie to Liberty, our fore bearers did that for us when they allowed Liberty to waltz in and set up shop so easily. For those of you that don't know, Doc and Charles I assume you do, the company that wants to take over the operation of Bethlehem is Synth Foods, Inc. While not a friend of the Zoner community like the Gas Miners Guild, Synth has helped many of our people prosper. With Synth's technology Zoners in the Omicrons and Omegas are the largest suppliers of food stuffs in those regions." pausing for a moment and taking a shot of vodka, "While I know everyone here would send transport after transport to help the people of Bethlehem find new homes, Synth has offered to pay their travel costs to the destination of their choice and give them all money to start new lives with. Make no mistake, Synth is being very generous with their offer. They could simply wait until Liberty annexes the station and make a bid for it, instead they are offering to help the Zoners who live there." Finishing his last sentence Victor stands up and walks over to a window and looks out, "I too want us to ensure what happened to Pennsylvania doesn't happen to Omega-49. We won't make the same mistakes those before us made I hope."