*Ilo watches as the planet of New Tokyo...begins to fade into the distance.....He opens up his bag...and pulls out his datapad...*
Ilo:....Date is May 22 818 AS....The offensive in Tau 23 was something I do not want to relive.....Thank you mother for sending me to the Kusari academy....I'm glad Father helped to pay for my training with those classes under the KNF.....I hate these senseless tactics by the ones who were supposed to be in charge of the defensive matter in that system....If it wasn't for me helping to take command of the fleet....they would have lost entirely....
*Ilo taps his fingers on the armrest on his seat....and rests his head in his other hand...*
Ilo:..Then again...I have done my service to the Emperor...I do hope news of what I did does not reach Mother's ears....I am glad to have fought with those I flew with.....I honor those pilots who died for the empire....But even so...I do not think what I did will change the fact that I am a Junker.....And I do not think the Emperor himself would pardon my actions....
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005