The Admiral listened to the many suggestions and agreements regarding his plan. From the response that had been mustered so far, he finally dared to put into action what he had been wanting.
"Gentlemen, Gentlemen, remember we are all fellow Zoners here. Inter-squabbles will just cause unneeded divisions and fractions in a time when we need it the most.
Now, as Councillor Chane has noted, those defensive installations will be vital to our defense of Gran Canaria, yet as Commander Matok has pointed out, Baffin will be in the firing line just as well, and that system, if taken and deflied by the Gallics, would mean a huge loss to Zoners as a whole. Not just as a militaristic loss, strategic loss, but also a Moral loss for as much as you all know, its the center religious system of many Zoners."
He eyed over at Matok, took another sip of his drink, gulped it down and breathed in heavily.
"We are stretched thin, We will have to consolidate our forces to defend those installations and system deemed most important to us Zoners. Yet, with what we have so far, we can barely hold off little to nothing. There is a storm on the horizon, one that has been known for a very long time to us was coming. It is time that we take action to protect ourselves, and to what is needed to stand against an impending invader. We cannot just sit by, for those who do not fight in a conflict, only assist the aggressor.
Bluntly, we need resources. The ZDF needs men, weapons, and training. I understand that we are but an arm of this alliance, and that we gain our authority from those of you giving it to us, but we can barely do our job. I am formally requesting the committee, and the Alliance, some sort of appropriation motion to increase the size of the ZDF, its funding, and capabilities.
The assitance of every faction would be needed in this endeavor. OSI's commitment to the manufacturing of our ships is one, and the exclusive right are something that we would be fine with, but without pilots, those ships gather dust. Yet, without proper funding, those pilots are just as effective as a Xeno fresh out of the mines.
I'm willing to recruit upwards of 2 more fighter wings, and get them the training they need, but we desperately need the funds and the support of the Alliance. And, as always, the ZDF will remember its original purpose to Defend Zoners, and only commit offensive acts of war under the direction of the Alliance."
"In regards to the guerilla attacks, My question is, why should we do such actions when we can have others do it for us. Like I mention earlier, the combined Zoner trader fleet is rivaled by few in terms of the amount of materials it can move, and also the efficiency in which it does so. I say we supply those that have the gall, the willingness, and the manpower to fight such wars. Entities would be the Mollies, the Corsairs, the Outcasts, the IMG even. And, if necessary, why not support the houses that would most likely be affected the most, Kusari and Bretonia? They are spending too much time slugging each other into a pulp, they will need all the help they can get if, NO WHEN, Gallia comes rolling in."
I am [The_Angels]Mortis. If you need help regarding the rules, the game, or just need someone to talk to, feel free to contact me on skype or PM me.