The office smelled of blood, booze, and various other unpleasant substances. It was often the beginning or end of possible recruits for the Coalition, and that oh-so disgusting coppery smell was a testament to the often-but-not end for them.
Alicia sat at her desk, looking over various files. She had just opened the office thirty minutes ago. Already, Angie was late. She walked into the door, wearing her officer's trench coat and a neatly groomed uniform. Her green eyes flicked this way and that, spotting various blood stains and the others who were to assist her with this recruitment.
Boris stood in a corner, opposite him was a hulking mass of steel that was Katz's personal death robot. It scared her to no ends, due to the massive Gatling weapon it held. It regarded her with red, focused eyes while Boris just took a long swig from a flask and nodded at her.
She stepped into the office, sitting down in the utilitarian office chair. A service pistol sat on the disk, a few clips of ammunition set neatly in a row beside it. With a sigh, Angie finally piped up, "Send in the first one, Alicia!"