Tired. I'm so tired of just sitting here. Doing what? Managing archives and writing daily action-reports conducted by other Coalition pilots. Those that actually have the chance to fly, in space.
I have never desired for a desk job but this is were I ended up, having practically no experience in combat what was I supposed to do? Naturally they sent me to this division.
At the age of sixteen I became the delivery boy. At the age of eighteen I initiated the work that I would carry out for five more years. Doing exactly the same thing day in, and day out. But on that late night, as I was just finishing my last paper I simply had enough. Like my mind had completely re-programmed itself. This routinized life could no longer be tolerated in my head.
I realized that no matter how much I complained at my fate, things would never change unless I personally decided it to happen. Taking out all the funds from my saving account I managed to scrap up enough money to purchase an older civilian vessel that had semi-working engines. I had to go through some humiliating steps such as begging an engineer to repair the ship so it would be space-ready.
Now, as I finished my shift I would no longer rush off towards home and sit there on the couch watching entertainment in order to cope with my misery. No. I would walk towards that hangar, get on that ship, and launch to space. I would practice. If fate wouldn't allow me to get proper combat training then I would defy its ruling and do so on my own!
Two years have passed since that enlightening day. I felt ready to battle. I felt that my life had a purpose again. The purpose of truly defending the Coalition.
I managed to collect the courage to speak with the Commissariat.
"Comrade Commissariat. I would like to be transferred to the military branch."
"What is your name, Comrade?"
"Vasily Ivankov."
"And why exactly do you wish to be transffered?"
"Because actions speaks louder than words and here I'm just managing words, Comrade Commissariat!"
"You have a brave spirit, but what about your combat experiences?"
"I have practiced on my own for two full years, I know I do not possess the standard training issued by the Coalition Boot Camp but I know how to fly my ship. My determination will be my weapon, Comrade Commissariat!"
"Normally I wouldn't allow something like this to ever come into consideration. But I'm willing to make an exception. For the betterment of the Coalition. You will hear from me by the end of this week."