Rhys aches in pain that the Officer had made in his chest. He got mad as the pain rages through his veins.
"Thats it, I will show no mercy!" Rhys, throws his first blow while quickly the Officer dodges it. As that was quickly made, Rhys jumped kicked the Officer making him fall on the floor. Rhys lifted him from the Officer's neck. "I will show you what I got, you twig!" Rhy's throws him to the wall as the Officers crawls after he fell.
Rhy's picked up the Officer special weapon (TT-33) - and walks towards the Officer pointing the barrel in the Officers head. "I have the chance at this moment to kill you with your own gun!" He says, while his voice was deeper than it used to be. Rhys kicked him on his waist as the Officer gaggs of pain. "Tell me, I am worthy enough now!?!"
Rhys pushes the trigger very slightly, as he continue raging to answer the question, "TELL ME?!"