Konstantin glanced down the hallway at the Commodore's shout.
Can't mean me, he reasoned, I'm a citizen, name's on record. He must mean that guy who walked in here with a gun..
He stifled a chuckle.
Better not be hiding anything else or he's in for trouble..
Kostya sighed and stretched his arms, then glanced at his hands. Funny, these hands had worked on so much in their tenure, yet they had never once been in command of the very type of ship he had such a role in building. Granted, he'd flown them on the simulators back at "Star City" but that could hardly be considered the real thing.
But he couldn't help but grin.
Even in the confines of a stationary box that fighter's still one fearsome piece of equipment.
He clenched his fists and smiled to himself, composure regained.