Pushing through the door, Nikolai Marczov wiped his soaked brown hair out of his eyes, and looked around. The entrance hall was impressive, beautiful almost. Looking back down, he strode across the floor the secretaries desk.
Looking up from her work, she guessed what he was here for. His proud stance said it all, he was here to apply for the Coalitions military forces, coolly, she asked him for his name, as she had done many times before with other applicants. More often than not, she would see the same applicants dragged out the back door after a failed interview.
Nikolai stroked a strand of hair out of his eyes again before speaking quietly, as to not disturb anyone nearby from their work. "Nikolai Marczov miss." He drummed his fingers on the table while waiting for a response from the secretary.
After a few quick taps on her keyboard, she looked back up again, a curt smile adorning her lips. When she spoke, it was with the same clinical coolness as before. "Right over there Mr. Marczov." Pointing to an empty seat at the back of a line of other chairs, where other applicants awaited the call to their interviews.
As Nikolai strode confidently toward his chair, he couldn't help but notice how varied the other applicants were, young, old, handsome, ugly, nervous, excited, fearful, confident, there was an entire plethora of emotion in this tiny little line of ordinary people. Coughing a little, he sat down on the red leather seat, and waited for his name to be called.