To put an end to this whole debate one and for all, I will make it very clear; Hunters actions have put him beyond simple help and comforting. If he had just had a mental breakdown then without a doubt he would be sitting pretty in a medical facility on Toledo with visitors, cards, flowers, counciling, you name it. He might even have been in space again by now.
The fact that the mental breakdown led to a narrowly averted genocide and a serious blow to the Order's reputation however means that he cannot be treated simply as a pilot in difficulties. Obviously given the circumstances there is going to be an element of punishment along with treatment but things could be so much worse. You keep asking why we haven't visited Jeremy yet and along with being out on assignments and having other duties to fulfil we have been working harder than you could know to keep Hunter protected from those in the Order who think he deserves more severe punishment. I have been critisised by many for not simply putting him down for good when we stopped his attack and no doubt you are aware that some pilots would gladly put a bullet in his brain given the chance.
Hunter has been unbelievably lucky thoughout this whole affair and I don't think you realise it Aqua. If it wasn't for the influence of the Preservers, Admiral D'Souza's punishment would undoubtably have been execution or extradition to Liberty where Hunter would have been executed as a terrorist. Even during the incident itself, it was only at my request that the LSF refrained from vaporising Hunter's vessel the second he came within sensor range of Manhatten. Consider also, my personal connection to Manhatten and then you might realise how merciful and patient I have been with this matter.
When Hunter returns to active duty I sincerely hope he has learned some lessons because next time we will be unable (both practically and in good conscience) to prevent Hunter from being simply killed as a serious threat to the Order.
Now let the matter drop and accept that the damage is done. Work on repairing it rather than complaining about it and then we might actually get something done instead of antagonising those who should be our friends and allies. Dealing with this has taken up enough of my time already considering that I have never been busier within the Order. My duties within the Preservers have been almost entirely neglected while I've been handling this and my work in the Order Primary Fleet has been dragged down as well. Any further complaints or arguments will simply be ignored by me. Once things have got back to normal and I've recovered the progress my cell has lost while I've been dealing with this then I will see about checking up on Hunter.
White Icarus out.
Quote:Dublin Miner: I am Gallic admiral earning money in Bretonia.