"His heart was weak to begin with, generally he wasn't such a healthy person, and I suppose the cigars didn't help at all..." Caesera explained, making a few small incisions and hooking up the complex tubing.
He began to pour a clear liquid in the area around the heart, "This is a solution designed to effectively 'kill the heart', you'll see as it slows down and stops, as the machine kicks in to keep him alive"
Caesera reached over and turned one of the dials.
"This machine here will substitute the operations of the heart while it's 'off', by pumping oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of the blood aswell as providing anesthesia to keep the patient knocked out" he explained in detail, "All we have to do is put the new one in and kick it into life, as soon as we cut this old one out and ice it"
Doctor Kurt Caesera - Lieutenant in the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.
Education: Studied at Cambridge University, Trained to be a medical practitioner at Chesterton Medical School.
Trained in ship maintenance, basic pilot and combat skills at the Coalition Hong Kong Training Facility.
Operations: Gold Thirteen, Gold Squadron
Medical Team, CPW-Trotsky
Zhukovsky Medical Centre, Zhukovsky Station