[INCOMING TRANSMISSION] ---Stand by--- Pilot ID: [color=#330033]Shōi Karl Nikasaur Subject:[color=#330033] Partol report
Konnichiwa. Today I started my patrol from New Tokyo. Patroled the lanes, the Junmp Gats and all the stations. Was all clear. That until I jumed in Kyushu. Right in the middle of the Trade lanes between New Tokyo Jump Gate and planet Kyushu I found a Outcast Tridente Gunship calss anda Golden Chrysanthemums Prchid bomber camping the lanes and killing civilians. I called for help right away and a Kusari Destroyer come along to help me. But before the Destroyer came I was lucky to find a bounty hunter in the are who helped me take them both out. After that few minutes later a large Bretonian force have been reported in the system. They were gathered at Nansei Research Station. The fight started soon our forces were there. The Bretonians thought they can bring me down fast, but the only thing they did by targeting me was only give time to my fellow Kusarians to bring them down one by one.