Mendel glanced up at Murry's interruption, the second in only a few minutes.
He chewed a moment on his lip, as she set the glass down, prattling on about this and that.
Mendel picked up the bottle, shattering it against the edge of the table, grabbing her by her lapels and slamming her backwards against the wall, shoving the broken shards of the bottle against her nose.
"Which sorry cretin thought it was a good idea to let you anywhere near the recruitment offices? And then what... your last firing neuron decided to finally give up the ghost, and take a package holiday to baden-baden leaving you totally bereft of any kind of common sense at all? Really, you thought coming in here, and disturbing me... today of all days... to shake your overly lyposuctioned hips around like you are one of Pacifica's many gap-toothed barmaids? Get out, before I use this bottle to make you as scarred as that drug addled brain of yours is on the inside!"
He threw her towards the door, his boot connecting squarely with her posterior, sending her flying.
"Dear God, why did I agree to come here today, it's the bloody muppet circus... complete with Miss Piggy!"
He turned back to the recruit.
"You ever have to deal with such complete and utter incompetence over at Rhonn-bon-bon station? Maybe I should be asking you for a job, instead of the other way round!"