"I have nothing to lie about." He showed no emotion on his face as the door shut behind him. "My family were simple workers on Leeds, still are in fact, so no emotive orphan wanting revenge here."
He paused for a second, seemingly letting it sink it before he continued. "Born, bred, working citizen. Grew up on Leeds and worked at the same factory my father worked at. Not much to tell about myself other then I was what I was, a working lad." He smiled a bit, "Of course, the government in Bretonia tends to be a royal pain the ass if you ask me. Myself and my father where part of a labor union on Leeds, and when we petitioned for better wages, they gave us the shaft. Especially since the bloody pathetic war between them and Kusari."
His smile went away, back to his rather blank expression. "My name is Henry Murphy. I'm twenty-nine years old. Just turned twenty-nine infact, a week ago. But don't let me bore you on the details, as you're the one here that has the pistol." He let a small chuckle slip through before straightening out his expression once more. "I'm interested in joining the Coalition because you simple are the peoples voice. Despite what the news has said. You could say I want to give the capitalist pigs in parliament a bigger shaft and say that's my motivation to fight them. But really, I just want to bring my family into a better world. One where the government would actually listen."
He paused again, looking rather relaxed now, not taking his eyes off the recruiters face, but not staring past as if the recruiter wasn't there. "And to do this, sir, I would like to join the Coalition. To help spread the word, to help overthrow the corrupt governments that the people live under, and to provide the man power needed for the glorious revolution."
He slid his arms behind his back, clasping one hand with the other. Waiting for the recruiters reply.