"Not a problem, It's nice to talk to someone outside of the Coalition on occasion, good to get an outside perspective" Caesera smiled, offering a refill, "I was always pushed by my parents to go into Medicine, even when I had other dreams, they made sure those dreams melted away though, sometimes I could have sworn they weren't my parents at all..."
Caesera took a sip, "Always pushing me to be the best, choosing my path for me, until I had nowhere else to go but towards their ultimate goal" He smiled and finished the shot off, "I served various clinics after medical school, learning how stuff was done, but never really in control, until I volunteered to help Refugees, much like yourself, though I ended up on Holman outpost" Caesera refilled his own glass, "One of your TAZ transports was moving Refugees to the colonies here in 52, and I tagged along with my Eagle, and made my way to the recruitment office"
He smiled, "And here I am today, seems we share that habit of dragging it out, eh?" he chuckled lightly
Doctor Kurt Caesera - Lieutenant in the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.
Education: Studied at Cambridge University, Trained to be a medical practitioner at Chesterton Medical School.
Trained in ship maintenance, basic pilot and combat skills at the Coalition Hong Kong Training Facility.
Operations: Gold Thirteen, Gold Squadron
Medical Team, CPW-Trotsky
Zhukovsky Medical Centre, Zhukovsky Station