*Jenson sits in usual chair at the helm...the seat where Bret usually sits...empty....Ilo and Miki sit in their seats keeping an eye on monitors and equipment*
Ilo:...I'm really not enjoying having to patrol the Omega 7 system due to these Junkers pirating cargo ships and miners... Miki:...Mi tu....Bhut wi cent du anyting else till den....Wi hev tu shtop dees idut junkers frem ruiening da reputeightion of dah congreass... Ilo:..I know that...Just not enjoying the empty dust clouds here I guess....We did catch that one junker who was firing upon Hessians.... Jenson:...JDog......I am not to proud of what I had to say to him.... Ilo:..It can't always be Tea and good conversation Jenson.... Jenson:...True....I just hope we can stop these attacks with us being here....Some of the IMG still are cautious of us here...But we have no choice... Miki:...Wi dhid have a nishe talk wit Mish McDowell though....
*Ilo turns in his seat and looks at Jenson*
Ilo:...You really think we should resign from the Congress?.... Jenson:...I don't know....But some of the actions within the Congress themselves have been....Questionable... Miki:...Wi dhid tell does guysh nut to haul all dhat Cardi.... Ilo:..That's their own fault for not listening to us.... Jenson:...Madam McDowell has respected us though.....And she did warn us of this when we did join....I don't see any reason of working with her....
*Ilo pushes his glasses up and leans toward Jenson*
Ilo:...Even with the actions Her and Her have done?...
*Jenson turns his head towards Ilo*
Jenson:...And what about "Our" actions in helping her those few times?...
*Ilo turns his seat back to its original position*
Ilo:...You make a good point..... Miki:...Wi ghut another shiep on scanners....A Neo|Viking?... Jenson:...We'll let's see what he has to say...Think they may want to barter?... Ilo:...Maybe...
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005