idea 1 is good - IF we had a gamemaster ( and igiss is not a game master, he s not active enough for that - or appears not to be active enough in-game )
idea 2 only works when players learn to differ in-character roleplay and out-of-character ambitions.
the problem with option 1 is that it might appear undynamic, that playeractions, no matter how eventful and how epical have little to no impact on the whole. ( or in other words, a band of no-goods can fly up to a planet, start an orbital all-out-bombardement ... fly away for a coffee ... and nothing has happened to the planet whatsoever )
the problem with option 2 is that player have a very hard time reviewing actions and consequences from more than their own point of view ... or if they try to do, they often apply their own fuzzy logic to the situation. players also tend not to consider secondary consequences or long term developements.
and most of all, players hardly EVER take responsibilities. - seen with so many things - ( polls for example... serious polls being made about changes, a majority agrees with them, but when the things are introduced JUST LIKE THEY WERE DESCRIBED - the very same people start ranting ... and would never admit that it was them who wanted it, when it turns out to be unpopular... its always "the others" )
so as long as players are not willing to take responsibilities, a playerdriven story and progression is out of the question, cause if no one takes responsibilities, no one is in charge of fixing what might have been broken - but those that take pity and try to reduce the damage done ( sometimes under the gleeful laughter of those that caused the damage )
imo - the best thing for disco would be a team of gamemasters that :
- needs to be active, and with active i mean.... ingame... regularly, in touch with players ( not only factions )
- open minded and objective enough not to have become cynical ( like many veterans )
- creative - thats a tough one... not many people can think of and also organize exciting events or progressions... that is, cause most people fail to see things from other peoples point of view
- ever changing - while being a team, it also needs to be flexible, not like the admin team ( once an admin always an admin until one steps down or does a serious mistake ) maybe only a gamemaster for a single event or something - or only a gamemaster for a dedicated time.
- able to take critizism and deal with it. that is .... not being defensive when being critizised ( the more exclusive the club you re in, the more defensive one often is - see factions, the more public and open the faction, the more they re able to deal with critizism, same applies to subgroups and lobbies ) ... always reflect upon oneself.
- see more than just black and white. pvp often is black and white, roleplay is grey - cause it offers a lot more than kill or be killed - a lesson that might be carried to the players in general, too.