The static universe (1) - only to be changed by the dev team and admins - is the safe approach. It is on that recipe, that the game has stayed alive - well beyond it's expected life span.
However it is important to attract new players - and ensure that players do not get bored in the long run.
A totally dynamic universe (2) will - I fear - chase people off, because hardcore gamers will simply gang together and outlive their own dreams. Already I feel, that the game is too much dominated by players, who just wants to fight PvP-figths - in order to demonstrate their skills. This is a killer to the RP-game.
So I favor a solution in which some elements of the game can be influenced by the players - but also leaves the main structure of the game in the hands of the dev team and admins.
This "1.5"-solution could be:
- Some bases in contested systems (which have to be defined) can be destroyed by a hostile faction already represented in the system.
For instance: The system Alberta holds a LPI-base and a LR base. The LPI-bae - or perhaps both bases - could be destroyed by the opposition.
- When the destroyed base respawns after server restart, it reemerges as belonging to the opposition.
- So both the LPI and the LR will now have something to fight for. It should off course not be an easy task to detroy a base - the defense should be fearsome - but it would give the major warships something meaningfull to do - attacking the enemy bases - or defending their own bases.
- If needed a destructable base should be introduced into certain contested system.
- Owning the base should lead to some sort of benefit - for example access to certain very valuable commodoties, that are sold cheap on the base.
- Fight over bases should be a possible task for any of the following constellations of enemies:
- Houses at war (f.x. Rheinland vs Liberty, Outcast vs Corsairs)
- Rebels in houses (f.x. Red Hessians vs. Rheinland Military)
- Lawfull companies against each other (f.x. IMG vs. BMM)
- Lawfulls against unlawfulls (f.x. IMG vs. Outcasts)
- Unlawfulls at war with each other (f.x. Red Hessians vs. Corsairs)
- RP-rules should apply - but it should be understod, that a general state of war exists - and KOS-kills should be allowed in these contested systems.
- Ships on a base, that is destroyed, should automaticly be transferred to the closest allied base - stripped by cargo, bots, missiles etc.
Another approach to add to the dynamic of the universe is this: boost trading by introducing "trade-missions" - in the same way other missions works. The purpose of the mission should be transporting a highprofile objekt to a certain location. Only a player with the same ID, as those who gives the mission, can fullfill it.
When the mission is taken, it is announced thoughout Sirius - which will attract any opposition. Or the ongoing mission should leave a certain marker in the Nav-map off all players.
Once taken the mission does not respawn, until serverrestart.
Fullfilling the mission should be very profitable. Also it should be very profitable to prevent the mission.