* Explosions and much swearing is heard in the Background *
Salut M'sieur Rory! I will be brief, the Council is currently re-organizing itself in preparation for further assaults on our Languedoc holdings- as you are no doubt aware, the Royalists have been able to breach the Council controlled passage way to Orkney - while keeping our front lines under constant pressure.
Recently the Council has retrieved similar information from a downed fighter's flight recorder - so I am unsure exactly how much worth such information is. The pilot is worth something to us however - as a prisoner of war - so we are prepared to negotiate for his release to us.
- Excuse-moi, I must quickly check on the Council Rocketeer Brigade. . . . .
Merde. Must do better.
Now...where was I. Ah, oui, as to what the Renegades might expect from us....well - not much truth be told - we do not have any Sirian interests as of right now - as we are focusing almost everything on our home worlds defense. So unless your men intend on making Gallia 'home' I'm not sure exactly how much of an interaction you should expect between us. Obviously the Council has a somewhat - fluid - approach to those groups that choose not to follow the 'law' - but as a rule we do not engage in acts of piracy - we do however turn a blind eye towards it on occasion.
- Again, apologies, Rocketeer Brigade - take deux!
The least said the better......
Right. Back to business - you apparently have a relationship with the Legion, this carries some weight with the Council, so we will extend docking access to Council bases for repairs - in exchange for the captured pilot. Bare in mind, we will swiftly and painfully remove such rights if your ships are seen engaging in piracy against Gallic Civilians -especially the G.M.S. corporation. Montpelier guard station will remain off limits to you - unless under the most dire of circumstances, or access is permitted in the field - and your men. Should any of your men be recorded using Council bases to stage assaults on Gallic Civilians - they will be captured and forcibly dragooned into the Rocketeer Brigade......speaking of which.....
I'm sure you understand the implications of this oui?
[font=Palatino Linotype]V. Cezanne [color=#FFFFFF](adjutant to the General)