I just think discovery needs to be flashy and vibrant. This game is great dont get me wrong its just there isn't any action. Its always blah blah blah, pew pew pew.
Larger trade lanes so big ships can get through without jamming up.
Focus on making things easier. While making other things harder. I'd like to see more realistic stuff going on. Example: Hyper drives!(take lots of time to charge up)
Super weapons on caps with lots of anti fighter abilities( like controllable Npcs)
More stuff for fighters example they can move much faster than before.
Maybe bombers can get a actual EMP and be able to slow down ships for a short duration.
Certain OMGZ(Im gonna type it) ability for certain ships, and ability for certain factions. Kinda like slots for scanners and IDs, we needs slots for abilities. I dont mean go crazy on the abilities just make so there is more stuff going on.
I feel like this mod was made for old people. I'm gonna regret that last bit but dont tell me I'm the only person that thinks this game is additively boring. Change is good. Kiss me.