We are not the only server around, and it's simply not feasible to expect the developers to change stuff because of say, a weekly battle. All of us have lives, girlfriends (maybe), work and other commitments we need to focus on before moding a game online for free.
However, if for example, you wanted to work on the battleline between Liberty and Rhienland, it would not be too hard to have a battleship from each side move back and forth between the middle of Hudson for example and back to their respective jumpgates depending on who won the weekly battle.
So, for example, if Liberty won the first battle, a stationary Dread would be moved to the middle of the system and a stationary RH Battleship would be moved to the jumpgate, as if beaten back. Similarly, the opposite can occur.
The reason I suggest something like this is because it is relatively easy to move a base within a system to new co-ordinates (think 40 seconds).
However, looking at adding factions/removing factions... it's difficult at best. And how would we decide how to change things? PvP abilities? I swear we were an RP server. RP abilities? Then the person with the best spelling, grammar and story telling gets what they want. Admins decide? More work for them!
It's a difficult position. My personal suggestion summed up is to have small changes perhaps, by either giving developers more power, or having Admins take on more responsibilities. Individuals RP (like for example Mon'Star) should only be taken into account if they are leaving a lasting impression on the server. I haven't seen Mon'Star ingame for over a year now, but everyone still knows him.