David walks into the bar, and is surprised to see it so full. On the last few occasions he has been, it was practically empty; with only the Bartender and a couple of strangers lurking about.
Scanning the room, he spots Hubert; with a couple of girls way out of his league. He decides that those girls would prefer the company of someone with a little more intelligence, and someone who was able to stand after a few drinks.
Passing the table where Clif and Diana are sitting, he approaches the girls from behind.
'Hello there ladies,' he said. 'Might I buy you a drink?'
The girls giggle, as Hubert glares a drunken challenge from behind their backs.
'No thanks,' the taller of the two replied. 'This man, Robert bought us some.'
'Robert eh?' he smirked. 'So what brings you lovely ladies to Alcatraz?' he asked.
'We're refuelling before we set out to Niverton. Then we're taking some slaves to Malta.' answered the taller one again.
'I-I'm giving em an guard!' barked Hubert. 'There's no need for ya 'ere David.'
Hubert wrapped his arms around the girls. The smaller one giggled, but the taller of the two looked slightly repulsed - as Hubert needed them to keep him standing.
'Malta eh?' replied David thoughtfully. 'Will you be wanting a bit more protection? I ain't been up to Malta for a while, might be a fun trip.'
'Sure, the more the merrier.' the smaller one giggled.
Hubert glares angrily at David, as the girls announce their preparations.