*Clyde speaks on* "Ye, right. Those freaks popped out from nowhere and shout right into ma face 'Ey stooop!' *he imitates the shouting* And then everything got a mess. I knew who they were, and what was goin' to happen, so I took to one's heels and made a getaway. And went missing into Cali's safe bays." *takes a deep gulp from his drink*
"Anyways, wanna know, what I've just done? - I thought it'd be time to get my hands back on my Bloodhound again. Earning some peanuts. And imagine: I've been successfully after just five minutes I undocked. *he shows a pack of Credit Cards* 100.000 SC, ha! Barkeeper, give us one of yer most expensive bottle of Gallic Wine. Two glasses. *raises his glass* Well Barry, Cheers to us Rogues!"