In Character Part:
Name: Smedley Daly
Date Of Birth: October 19th 774
Sex: Male
Previous Jobs: Independent Trader
Skills: Calm demeanor
Place of Birth: West Point Military Academy, New York system.
Department Interested in Joining: Transport Division
Please answer all the following Questions:
Why do you want to join Ageira Technologies? To make difference, and a leave an honorable legacy. Have you ever been charged with crime or have a criminal Record? If so what for? No I have not. Do you have any skills that you think will benefit you in the field you requested? Combat experience, strong sense of honor. Tell us about yourself. Smedley was born at West Point Military Academy in the New York system. His Father and Mother were Liberty Marines. His Father was killed in 780 protecting the evacuation of a Liberty embassy in Rheinland. Smedley was inspired to become a pilot in the Liberty Marine Corps, because of his mother. His bedtime stories were not of fantasy lands and magic. But of heroic tales of the Marines of ancient Earth. His mother would go into extraordinary detail about the relationship between the infantry and pilots. Because of this he aspired to become a pilot. He did, and after a 25 year career, he finally retired.
OOC Information:
Character Names:Jackson.Tolenthe
Skype Handle: hunter.stevenson43
Timezone:Pacific Standard Time
Do you have your own vessel you will be using? I do not. Have you been sanctioned within the last six months? No I have not.