Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Mr P McCullen eyes only
CommID: Ms J Frances - Head of Human Resources Borderworlds exports (Bowex)
Message Target: Mr P McCullen - Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Message Source: Human Resources- Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Subject: Your Application
Dear Mr. McCullen
Borderworlds Exports is pleased to offer you the position of Trainee Trade Captain for our organization. We are excited about the potential that you bring to our company.
You will report directly to Supervisor MacFarlane.
You will be classified as a Trainee Trade Captain. Your initial compensation package includes full medical and dental coverage through our company's employee benefit plan, and fringe benefits as covered in the enclosed pamphlet.
In accepting our offer of employment, you certify your understanding that your employment will be on an at-will basis, and that neither you nor any Company representatives have entered into a contract regarding the terms or the duration of your employment. As an at-will employee, you will be free to terminate your employment with the Company at any time, with or without cause or advance notice. Likewise, the Company will have the right to reassign you, to change your compensation, or to terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause or advance notice.
We look forward to your arrival at our company and are confident that you will play a key role in our company's expansion into national and international markets. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can do anything to make your arrival easier.