Where_did_it_ru Wrote:It's pvp elitism or even worse rp elitism which in most likely has even worse results than the prior.
About pvp elitism... dont really see a problem with it. Its linked to real skill in pvp, not some fictuous skill like someone pointing to his rank and IRP or OORP "power" or to some rule loophole someone uses to play unfairly. Its easier, for me at least, to accept that someone is better at pvp than me. Even if that someone happens to be a total prick, his pvp skill will still not really destroy other peoples game or fun because there are lots of ways around it, like just avoiding him or seaking pvp protection from other players.
About RP elitism... thats more of a problem. So far, none of the people who use RP for elitism (with that I mean for example people who say "I just shoot people with bad RP, because my RP is better", people who use their own rank somewhere to push other people around, or people who think they cant get shot because they were RPing or had built some RP loophole around themselves) had particularly entertaining or logical RP. Its not easy for me to accept that sort of behavior.
The second ruins other people fun much more than just losing a pvp against someone who was obviously more skilled, in my opinion.
JihadJoe Wrote:I thought the people yelling about admin/faction leader conspiracy were joking. Then I became a faction leader and later an admin. That's when I realised that some of the people who talk about the admin/faction leader conspiracy are actually serious and geniunely believe in the idea.
No, you didnt think that. Deep down you know perfectly well that what you and other people call "admin conspiracy" to ridicule people is this:
Admins and other "higherups" not giving a rats ass about truth or fairness or rule 1.3, as long as they know that "the mob" of other higherups will be on their side. All you have to do is deny everthing and feed the mob. THen you can stay in power and keep doing what ever you and they want, without having to worry about the fairness and fun of players in general.