The Coronado system, it's full of secluded areas, unexplored, even... Who knows what lies in some of the niches that is that icy system. Away from the dead worlds, deeper inside the barrier ice nebula than even the gate station, lies an old luxury liner, the bow lodged inside an asteroid. It could have been several centuries old, not that anyone cared. However, unlike any other derelict hulk of a vessel you might find throughout Sirius, you could say this one was alive... The rear decks of the ship, up to the section lodged in the asteroid, was active, so-to-speak.
Mmmm, yes, quite some time ago... A man by the name of Jason Wight, had found the hulk while exploring that little bit of Sirius, he wasn't a scrapper, but he needed somewhere to make his own - and that was it. Months were spent, bringing the old rig to semi-operational status, and when he did, he felt the need to offer a... Haven, for those who needed one... And so, he christened this place, "Salus Omnibus" - Safety For All.
The inside of this, 'wreck'? It was rather... Makeshift. Through the decades of decay, the superstructure had been damaged considerably. But Jason and his friends had done well to keep it together, and make the atmosphere more lively. The halls had been painted brightly where it was once boring grey steel and the internal lighting had been completely redone. What -was- the observation deck, had been converted into a bar of sorts. The two foot thick glass panes which allowed you to look outside had been repaired, or even refitted, it was hard to tell. That room also had the majority of the remaining shield power, to keep the glass from breaking due to a rogue asteroid, like the rest of the ship, it was brightly painted, inside it were men and women from all around Sirius, and some who seemingly weren't. Then there was Jason, in his little spot behind the bar. Behind him were two crudely written signs; "Tails Eat Free" and "All Guns? No Service".
OOC bit: You can power-game Jason a bit, within reason. :3