Jason smirks, giving an affirmative nod and going to prepare Amalia her drink, before slipping the glass down and pouring it, holding his smile. "That's, four credits."
A man with relatively tidy, but un-styled brown hair walked in, wearing an odd looking black leather jacket, thought it looked like more of a trench coat. It had dashes of crimson across it, all angled to the middle. Under it was was a black shirt, he was wearing cargo trousers that matched the shirt. He had a form of pistol holstered on his belt.
He approached the bar, walking pretty casually, he cleared his throat rather loudly when he arrived, immediate catching Jason's attention. "Mike? Well I'll be damned... Long time no see. Offer ya a drink?"
The man, apparently being named "Michael" grinned, looking to the rest of the room, before back to Jason. "Nah, just 'ere t' socialise 'n' all that..." with that said, he turned, leaning back against the bar, looking for someone to talk to.