This day saw the Alsatia adrift inside The Barrier, in search of a secret watering hole the commander of the ship had heard a rumour of on Barrier Gate. The crew of the pirate transport were engaged in idle conversation as the leader periodically checked the scanners for any signs of the "Salus Pro Totus" she'd heard about.
"Why did I even come out here?"
"Morbid curiosity."
"Heh. Whenever I encounter a dead ship I always wonder about the history behind it. I believe every vessel has a story to tell - who owned her, what she did and how she came to the end of her life. This... "bar" is the same. I'm rather intrigued that such a massive ship was out here and I'd never known about it until today."
The lumbering transport, affectionately referred to as the "Polygonal Sex Machine" by her owners, carefully manoeuvred through the asteroid clouds, getting close to the co-ordinates provided. A blip appeared on the frankly primitive radar systems the ship ran and upon investigation that blip was revealed as the goal of the journey - a luxury liner whose nose end and most of her forward shell were but a mangled wreckage locked to an asteroid.
The commander drew the transport to a halt and observed the vessel before her. It was indeed heavily damaged on the front end, but what remained was quite clearly alive - light and movement visible through the windows and portholes.
"Well, looks like we found what we were looking for. Misaka, put some clothes on and round the girls up. I want to see what it's like on board."