Perhaps it's time for me to react. I come back from a short vacation and see Dublin over-run with damn Sails. Great! [color=#33CC00]More fun for me, don't have to play with them by going far to Omegas anymore. So what do we have in Bretonia now...
- Remains of Molly Republic along with Separatists who don't give a damn about truce MR made with Bretonian authorities. I can respect that but that issue is out-dated. Lately these separatists are trying to better organize which is a great sign and it really brings a smile on my face. Departure of Collin Breen has touched me... very deeply. He'll be missed very much. But it is as it is - we shall continue our collaboration and will deal with any problems just like we did before - together.
- BAF kinda withered away not to mention the police... Who knows the real reasons; maybe someone put something in all their tea plantations so now the most of them are depressed and off-duty. I talked to some of them and they don't have much problems with Mollys being their problem. Their... real problem now are...
- ...Sails. Tried to figure out why are they there in great numbers in the first place. Later one of the Baffeys told me they're there quite often. Why? Probably gotten tired of loosing against Hessians so now they've increased activity to Omega 3 and Bretonia, where Hessies have more trouble reaching them and where they'll have less problems in taking what they think it's theirs.
- Damn Indians. Small tribe of let's-just-shoot-em-up villagers, except that these don't use bows and arrows. What's so special about them? Nothing much but it's important to mention that they fly side by side with cannibals nowadays. I couldn't believe it untill I saw one, The Apache, shooting at me along with them. Which is really ironically stupid actually considering that MR gave them permission to use their bases... A while ago. By the way, have those docking permits revoked right now or I'll consider that as an insult. Unless, of course, you'd prefer to have cannibals' friends using Molly facilities.
Sails the Sairs in general are like virus and thus they need to be cut down. They come in great numbers and are generally unpleasant. The word has spread around that their empire is crumbling down so now they want to make the world believe in opposite. Trust me, they will go stronger and stronger. Probably stronger than OPG has ever been. So how do we solve the problem? We'll work together and act now. Why should we work together - it will be good for all of you. Me? I'm just here for the thrill of making people annoyed by my presence.
Let's react now, radically.
Molly Republic will get their independence. Now. That is, consider this as a start of negotiations. Why is this good for both involved parties? BAF is tired and fatiqued by being hit on three sides - KNF, Sairs and of course - Mollys. Not to mention me and swarms of independent pirates. Mollys will at last get what they've always wanted - their own republic and finally they'll be under less stress therefore being more able to defend Dublin and to perhaps invade Omegas. Why not hit your old enemy where it'll hurt him the most? Omegas are your withing Molly ZOI. I have some connections there. Besides, I'm sure Hessians will help their distant buddies without me saying a word.
Bretonian Armed Forces and the police will then have only two sides to fight against, and they'll have help by Mollys and by merry bunch of mine. That means I'll stop my hostilities towards Baffies and my "illegal" activities in whole Bretonia as well. A very simple solution, isn't it?
Maybe I didn't make myself clear well enough. This is not a proposition. This is my demand and negotiations will start now. If BAF decides not to listen to me on this one, I'll just make myself as a additional problem they have now with Sairs. And trust me, there are numerous ways to achieve that now, especially now since you're in vulnerable stage. Armed Forces know their priorities - they hate outside invaders more than they'll ever hate independence fighters. It's time to make some friends, tea-dudes.
And what about Mollys? You're gonna have to play nice if Bretonian authorities are to even consider negotiating your independence. Forget about the past, pride and honor... and booze. This is opportunity to achieve your main goal. Maybe Collin had the same goal by signing that truce. Who knows. Have you guys forgotten what Corsairs did to you in the past? Have you forgotten about Cork? Do I need to say more? They should be the focus of your hatred, not the Queen's pencil-pushing soldiers with silly hats. Anyway, if you also decide not to show your good will on this one, I'll consider this as THE END of our cooperation.
Why am I doing this? This has nothing to do with me having good relations with Dublin's Greens or me hating Sairs nor Baffeys. I'm just bored and need something to do. I've always loved Bretonia. It's quiet if one knows where to dwell when drinking morning coffee. Chaos I'd spread around in other parts of Sirius, haha. Yes, everyone needs a place where to take a rest. Either way, someone needed to make things clear for you or would you prefer loosing a lot of "innocent" men and women in the future.
So many good sides of this proposition so let's begin the negotiations. Consul Joker wanna hear your thoughts. Just don't raise your voices. My cats tends to get very agitated when people are shouting.