NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
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Encryption: NORMAL
Priority: NORMAL
From: Commander Lucy Silsbury
To: The Joker
Subject: Armistice
We can propose a temporary contract for you and your merry little gang. You would act as sub-contractors to the Bretonian Armed Forces but in so doing you would have to make a pledge promising that you and any working for or with you, will abide to Bretonian Law. Law dispensed by the BAF in Dublin and Leeds and by the Bretonia Police Authority in the rest of our territory.
On top of that you would have to assist with the fighting on the Kusari front as well as destroying any raids in Dublin that the BPA Anti-Corsair unit cannot stop (protecting BMM convoys and miners will earn you some cash and some kudos should you require any).
Your cronies incompetence in battle has been proven many a time; I can only hope they have improved since the last time they graced us with their presence, or at the very least, are able to get in the way of hostile fire.
Should you choose to operate under said restrictions you will be allowed docking on whatever law abiding stations choose to accept you. You are obviously quite friendly with the Molly Republic and they seem to have an abundance of parts, ships and weapons (or so we gather from the numerous unencrypted broadcasts we pick up) which apparently every man and his pet rock can purchase.
Their bases are no doubt the perfect locations for you to refit and launch from (and keeping your lot away from citizens with half a moral or indeed sane bone in their body would be prudent).
You will also be removed from the Find, track, Maim, Kill, Tear into pieces and Recycle into plant food list; you will be allowed to pass through the systems of Leeds, Dublin, Cambridge and Omega 5 without any interference from BPA or BAF Officers. We will assist you where possible and if necessary.
This of course is providing that you follow Bretonian Law and dont hassle anyone the kingdom of Bretonia is not currently at odds with. We would prefer it if you would refrain from entering New London, Cambridge, Newcastle and Manchester as they are used for trade etc. (and lets be honest you would probably make the children cry).
This of course doesnt apply if you are leaving Bretonia; feel free to take the shortest route to the door.
Our eyes are ever watching Joker. Should you cross us or violate any agreement we make by attacking Bretonian Lawful ships or companies, disrupting valuable trade or not following the instructions of a BAF or BPA Officer; the combined might of the Bretonia Police and Armed Forces shall smite you so hard youll wake up in Rheinland (if you wake up at all).
Apart from that I have no reason to believe that we cannot do business Mr. Joker. Follow a few simple rules and you will soon find yourself having a hassle free and pleasant time in quiet Bretonia.
As far as the independence of the Mollys goes, I think one united people would have to be presented before us prior to any action being taken, at the moment it appears to be a rather fractioned faction.
Commander Lucy Silsbury
Bretonia Police Authority
PS. If your actions prove unsatisfactory, the contract would then have to be... renegotiated...