An'e swayed herself into the Brodel, a rather sour expression on her face. Her last mission was not greatly appreciated, and though she was paid well, she didn't here a single hint of gratitude form her employers. She leaned over the bar and was about to order a rather stiff drink to help soothe her disappointment, when she spotted an expensive looking glass of wine being carried by a serving girl. She smiled as she saw where it was heading.
She strutted over to the man in the corner, another family member, le Pimpernel. She sat next to him, crossing her legs and scooting close to him so that their thighs were touching. "Its nice to see such a familiar face today" She said as she gracefully took his glass of wine and took smell, absorbing the refined alcohol. Setting the glass down, she wrapped an arm around his shoulder leaning against him as her other hand disappeared underneath the table, slowly rubbing her hand along his inner thigh.
"So, do you have plans later on tonight? I'v had such a long and hard week I just need someone to vent my...frustration on." She gave a sly grin has her had roamed somewhere more private. "It's not good hold in...frustrations." She said softly into his ear as her hand began to trace itself along his...nether region.