balance everything according to the ROLE it ought to play, not based on fairness / balance etc. building a military is based on UNfairness - the point is to be stronger, more powerful than the other side, not to be a gentleman.
- for that matter, Diablo2 hardcore rules for capital ships. - you die, you re gone ( poof ) - but to make up for it, they are as powerful as they are meant to be. - fighters and bombers can be softcore, but it should take a load of them to take down anything big ( a load = dozens, unless the enemy is a moron )
well - result:
- crying capital ship captains ( as there are crying diablo2 players that just lost their lvl90 chars )
- crying fighterpilots, cause they cannot take down big ships easily anymore
- or - after a longer period of whining and crying - possibly some responsibility of those that are left:laugh:
oh - for that matter, quickdocks should be removed, and a long docking sequence depending on the size of the ship should be introduced - while the player docking is 100% vulnerable.
Liking that idea very much.
Bombers are the most over powered ship in the game.