How is what you do in game different from what Corsairs do in game?
I know, your religious fanatics, good, what do you religious fanatics do in game that is different than what Corsairs do in game?
''The darkness will go through your body, you do not believe in our faith, you will die, but before this will happen, we will let you suffer. YOU HEARD IT? SUFFER! We could jail you in the Abandoned Hope. It is a flying hell my friend. You can be one of us, or one of them - you can choice between the darkness and the corrupt Bretonians! The suns will be dark, and your power will gone. Now the darkness is here, and our power will come, our power, to let you all suffer. This is the beginning, and the end, your eyes will nothing more see than the pure destruction of Bretonia. Planets which are surrounded by dark clouds, crying peoples who can't her family anymore!''
Sound's this really like a Corsair or like a fanatic freak? And yep, our RP style is like this.