' Wrote:I completeley agree, Lawfulls definitely need to get a wage, the problem is how? Who would pay them? The official faction? Then that leaves out indies, and where does the official faction get the money to pay them? From the official trader factions? The indies are leftout again.
Prehaps they collect taxes from traders they see in space? Thats a little close to piracy for my complete liking, but, it seems its the only way.
However we do it, we NEED to get a wage for lawfulls, as it is completely unfair for them,
- and this is me talking as a primary pirate player - (which is obviously hard if you do it in a starflier "we are going to die" guy) I regularly kill lawfulls who try to arrest me as I make my money, - Yes zoey thats why I do it, to make money (sometimes I make more than my trader if I do it smart) - the difference is, I'm earning as I do that, whereas they aren't.
Some people are rich enough, or big enough RP addicts (yes zoey I'm looking at you again) to play a worthless job just for RP, but to my mind, that in itself is bad for RP, as a policeman would not be working for free, he would be working and worrying about, - and therefore playing according to - his paycheck.
Another problem this no-wage situation has caused, is the abuse of police/navy ships:
people buy a BAF gunbaot, park it on essex, mine with their BMM, then as soon as they see a pirate in-system, on chat, they switch to their gunboats, hunt down the pirate just to get rid of him, no RP, -mayby the pirate has done nothing yet- and continue mining. Thats the only way they can actually make their Army ship pay.
And of course, no pay means less police, Me for instance, I was in the BAF, but as soon as I could, I joined the privateers, cos they are the only ones who make money.
I'd like to join BPA, But why should I do a job just as fun -prehaps less as probs less action- as pirating, when I make money pirating, and not policing?
As for fines, cmon, does ANYONE believe they even come close to earning what pirating does? Seeing as you're often fining fighting criminals, they rarely pay anyway.
Trading makes money, Mining makes money.
Policing and Pirating are not supposed to make money. You ever get pissed when a pirate charges you a stupid amount? It's thoughts like this that are the problem.
Play for fun, play to RP.
Don't play just to earn money, it'll get you nowhere.