' Wrote:RP means ROLE PLAY, everybody wants money in RL, Freelancer might be in the future, but people still want to have money. So it is part of the ROLE you PLAY that you want money. There is no better way to RP then create a realistic environment. It is much easier to work for money then to work and say you do it for money, but actually don't get any, you would need to act like you do, but it's much easier to act like you really would in a situation. As such we need that situation and the situation requires money.
i assume you only have one character, since you posted this. one military / police force character and nothing else. iRL you cant swap accounts and use your 'other life' to make money as an investment banker.
' Wrote:Ever tried fining a pirate? It won't work, it will always end up in a fight and there will be no money, plus is it realistic to have a job and then have to gather the wages yourself, don't think so.
kill him, sell his mines, cd ammo, cm ammo. half a million profit.
and .. to others:
the admins WILL NOT give money for free. not you, not faction leaders, not themselves, no one. look, people - we all have to make money iRL and in FL. there are hundreds of players that are not complaining about it. how much cash do you need to keep your military / police character up and running? assuming you die, you have to buy stuff for roughly 600.000 credits. that's what ... 2 minutes of your trader time? quit being a wuss and man up.
' Wrote:Seems that only those who actually patrol should be paid, so when the lawfuls have done a patrol they should post in the message dump to prove, and then they will be paid.
read: a few official faction members have to POWERTRADE 90% of their game time to make money for wages of the others.
just ... make a short 10 million run, send the cash to your lawful, live off the ten million for a few days. then make another run, send the money to your lawful, live off it for several days, repeat cycle. everyone does it, why should a few guys have special treatment? just because you are not happy about it?