1. Remove every trace of phantom ever created. Super powerful almighty group of lolwut pwnage = shift away from role playing and dynamic in-space discussions leading up to the actual battle.
2. The ability to blow up existing stations and destroy tradelanes!!!! Seriously, you've all seen it, npc patrols firing at bases only waiting to get slowly torn apart by the turrets. On this note NPCs should be removed so you're not hauling goods to a base and its suddenly gone. But players should be able to damage bases with the proper equipment/strike team/roleplay/realism (nomad battleship won't destroy all of liberty).
3. Fighter escorts being able to be deployed from player battleships/carriers.
4. Make the cruiser class actually worthwhile in large capship fights
5. Special guns that do extra damage to each ship type for example:
LF guns own Bombers
HF guns own LFs and do decent damage to Bombers
VHF guns own HFs
LF v. VHF = test of piloting. Light fighters would actually have a chance if they outmanuver (this probably exists already, just re-iterating)
This would make dogfights more dynamic and strategic instead of VHFs spraying at eachother.