' Wrote:Message to: Red Hessians
CC: Guild Master Alan Smith
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, RHA SOA
Location: Freital, Omega-11
Settle down, Herr Burgmeister. This isn't a witch hunt, and we could do without pushing this beyond what is absolutely necessary. The IMG is an organisation that takes its roots from Daumann and Kruger, just as we do. The fact that neither we nor them are corporate fiends any longer speaks for something. Those who quit their corporations and join IMG are no longer our enemies, and deserve nothing less than a chance to prove that they have reformed their ways. I am sure that whatever crimes that former Kruger employee committed can be dealt with by the IMG itself. It is not our job to be judge and jury, merely the executioner and I hope you remember that well.
Herr Smith, this... incident is unfortunately an expected one considering the scope of the divide between our organisations and the corporates. They send murderers after us all and in turn our people want revenge on them. Sometimes this clouds their better judgement. The Red Hessians of course offer amnesty to any oppressed employee of the corporates that wishes to switch sides, nonetheless a careful eye should be kept by your organisation on any such new arrivals, so that we do not suffer... infiltration.
Regardless, it seems the situation is explained: the reason for the attack was suspicion based on fact. No further attacks should occur, but you should ensure that this person is not in fact a paid spy sent by Kruger to incite violence. In case you need further assistance regarding this or any other matter, you know where to find us.
Regards, Hoerst
We concur with what Herr Burmeister has said this Innocent. Miner individual was a previous Kruger employee it is not known whether he is a defector to the IMG or maybe a Spy. Nonetheless this was justified as he a suspect ship very well known to us, Someone of which who has been known ally with other Kruger| and SMP| ships in attacks against us. A leopard never changes its spots!
You can however guarantee that the RK| will not openly attack any IMG / affiliated allies, unless fired upon first.
Thanks again for your patience in these matters, Cpt Panthera of the Red Copper Hessians - Rote Kupfer aboard the RK|-"Stalingrad" OUT..........