What if all traders would be taxed in-game? I mean, taxes being a part of the game engine. For example, 1% (or rather <insert your proposition here>) of the value of any cargo bought or sold on a base will go to the owner (by ID) of that base.
Those amounts would be distributed e.g. based on the character activity during last 24h (daily wage?). Feel encouraged to propose better solutions.
Reasons to do it:
- No need to rely on forum reports etc.
- Gives a real (not RP-only) reason to improve the safety of the routes from your bases/planets
- Gives a real (not RP-only) reason to attack enemies' traders and trade routes.
- As close to the real taxation as possible.
- No money would appear from nowhere.
Reasons not to do it:
- Requires serious coding
- Can be abused (this applies to the wage distribution rather than taxes).
Feel free to PM me regarding any grammar/spelling/other language mistakes I have made in my posts.