''Err yeah, I gotta get goin'. Nice talkin to ya Mikey..."
''Right, be seeing ya later''
Keith didn't pay much attention as Rashid walked away from the bar.
''Me, lil' Boy. Got a Probl'm with that?''
Keith turned his head to what seemed to be some aged man, a Rogue of course, experienced one, as the man just gave his back towards Keith, ignoring him completely, stepping on Keith's anger button.
And who the hell does this moron think he is
Keith took the PDA from the floor, it wasn't too big, he guessed that was the reason he didn't faint from that impact, he turned to the other Rogue that had thrown it at him, his face was still away from Keith. He walked up to the guy, the man started turning his head around as Keith approached, the man wasn't waiting for it, Keith's fist flew, exploding on the man's jaw, dropping him out of his seat, Keith then stopped and showed the PDA.
''Ya think it's cool throwin' crap at people's heads do ya? Now, I dun' think you'd mind me crushin' this on yours eh?