@Doom - You of all people should know not to fly head on with a bomber, although it is tempting. Tell your BSG pilots to stay wide and you'll never hit them with those novas. The bomber is an easy target if you think about what you're up against. A big, comparatively slow, tank with weapons that are almost as slow as a ship in thrust. I'm sure you'll see that agility, when used correctly, will win out against it. Also, in my opinion, the nova is supposed to be a gun, but the enormous power generated when it fires requires a more stable hard point then, say, a wing. So it gets mounted on a torp slot which are situated on the main body, giving it some stability.
@Korrd - Yes, the B&B of the RH bomber needs balancing. The Taiidan is fine. And if you remember that fight, you took me out just before that gunboat was brought down, so your fighter served it's purpose, correct?